Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away ...
Yes, OK, I am mixing my ... somethings. About 20 odd years ago, before I even though about writing my second novel, I had the idea of writing some new fairy stories based on proverbs. A story with a lesson if you like. I only wrote two at the time. The idea stayed with me though and I don't like to waste effort so in the couple of years I wrote another five. I was going to write more but then I hit upon the idea of having a short collection of 7 - one story for each night of one week. Now you get the title - Once Upon A Week.
Now, this is my first effort in the area of children's writing and I didn't know if they would be any good, so I asked a couple of primary school teachers to read them. They gave them the thumbs up so I tried the usual not so happy merry go round with literary agents. Nothing as usual except I did get back one piece of constructional criticism.
One children's literary agent told me they were a good idea but they were too traditional and kids these days wanted something different. OK. So no parents read Snow White and Cinderella to their kids any more?
The fall back position was to publish on Kindle again and hope that this time my book isn't lost in the Amazon jungle.
Seven stories about witches, dragons and trolls as well as an owl, a dog, a cat and two ducks, with a handy life lesson thrown in at the end. One or two parent chuckles along the way hopefully too.
Please check it out for your kiddies bedtime.
Once Upon A Week
Or is you have no little ones you can always try my novels:
Rewind A humourous but cautionary tale for grown up people who have made a mess of
things and want to go back and start again.
Trouble Cross A farcical action packed romp into extortion, kidnapping and murder
The choice is yours.
And following on from my last post - which absolutely no one has read - well done the Lionesses for reaching the World Cup semi final.
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